Breslin Eliot has alot of memories that he would love to keep in his past. The main ones being why he was returning to Clearveil, and why he left to begin with. But Avalon, his best friend since ever, won't make his return any easy on him. Daisy, the girl next door, wants to get to know the boy she never paid attention to. While Conner and Dexter just want a third musketeer. Being invisible in high school isn't as easy as it seem. And in Clearveil, every ones true intentions show eventually.
Ce parere aveti? O am si eu de ceva vreme pe aplicatia Kindle. Singurul motiv pentru care am luat-o este pentru ca imi aminteste de primele saptamani ale semestrului trecut cand imi doream sa fiu inapoi in generala pentru ca ma simteam ciudat in compania unei clase in care nu cunosteam pe absolut nimeni. Dar a trecut si perioada aia din fericire.
Acum e o perioada ciudata cu fostii colegi. Am iesit ieri si nu stiam despre ce sa vorbim. Parca abia facuseram cunostinta unii cu altii si nu stiam daca avem ceva in comun sau nu. Noi, care inainte cand ne intalneam nu aveam timp sa terminam ce aveam de spus...
Siii revenind la cartea asta, cand am vazut titlu ma gandeam ca va fi ceva cu zombi sau mai stiu eu pare ca m-am inselat :))
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