Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
joi, 28 februarie 2013
miercuri, 27 februarie 2013
joi, 21 februarie 2013
Castigator concurs
Daaa, stiu, concursul s-a incheiat acum patru zile, insa am avut ceva probleme cu rafflecopter-ul. Din nu stiu ce motiv, de fiecare data cand dau sa aleg castigatorul, nu-mi salveaza sa se vada si acolo, asa ca voi lasa aici numele pur si simplu.
Castigatoarea este Lara Looollly (cat imi place numele, e foarte amuzant) cu GFC-ul Loooollly.
Felicitari! Astept datele tale pe adresa de mail pe care o gasesti la contacte. Ai la dispozitie trei zile.
Cat despre restul, nu va faceti griji, vor mai exista concursuri in viitor. Am ajuns la 26 de persoane care urmaresc prin GFC, si dupa cum v-am promis, atunci cand voi ajunge la 50 voi da startul unui concurs de fidelitate. Pana atunci vor mai exista cateva concursuri cu e-book-uri.
marți, 19 februarie 2013
sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2013
vineri, 15 februarie 2013
Ashes and Ice Blog Tour : Interview with the author
1. About the book, how did you come up with the idea?
Ashes and Ice was born out of a character sketch I wrote when I was 12. I tucked it away and found it after college and starting fleshing out the character. I wanted a character who was at war within herself. I knew how I wanted the book to start and end. I knew some of the struggles I wanted her to face, but it really was developed with a lot of free writing. I really like the world Ashes and Ice is set within. Book two will really go into the supernatural elements of it.
2. If you could be like one of your characters, who would you be? Why?
Yikes, hmmm, I would say a mox of Nanan and Connor. Blunt, loving, humble. Maybe throw a bit of Jade in there too. I would like to have a bit of badassness on my side.
3. Which authors have influence you most? How?
Hmm, my grandfather, Larry Callen, was a children's book writer. He was always very supportive of my writing. I also love Annetta Curtis Klause, Cassandra Clare, Maggie Steifvater. I loved Lord of the Flies and and lots of poetry. I would say that these writers shaped my taste in reading and therefore, my style of writing. I like dark and lyrical novels.
4. What inspired you to want to become a writer?
It was always in my heart to write. I just stepped away from it for years. Silly me. The heart knows what it wants. Don't deny it!
5. Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?
Ashes and Ice Book 2!! Title, cover, and release date will be announced Spring/summer of this year.
6. What is your favorite Quote?
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. --Marianne Williamson
Ashes and Ice was born out of a character sketch I wrote when I was 12. I tucked it away and found it after college and starting fleshing out the character. I wanted a character who was at war within herself. I knew how I wanted the book to start and end. I knew some of the struggles I wanted her to face, but it really was developed with a lot of free writing. I really like the world Ashes and Ice is set within. Book two will really go into the supernatural elements of it.
2. If you could be like one of your characters, who would you be? Why?
Yikes, hmmm, I would say a mox of Nanan and Connor. Blunt, loving, humble. Maybe throw a bit of Jade in there too. I would like to have a bit of badassness on my side.
3. Which authors have influence you most? How?
Hmm, my grandfather, Larry Callen, was a children's book writer. He was always very supportive of my writing. I also love Annetta Curtis Klause, Cassandra Clare, Maggie Steifvater. I loved Lord of the Flies and and lots of poetry. I would say that these writers shaped my taste in reading and therefore, my style of writing. I like dark and lyrical novels.
4. What inspired you to want to become a writer?
It was always in my heart to write. I just stepped away from it for years. Silly me. The heart knows what it wants. Don't deny it!
5. Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?
Ashes and Ice Book 2!! Title, cover, and release date will be announced Spring/summer of this year.
6. What is your favorite Quote?
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. --Marianne Williamson
SNEAK PEEK at the soon-to-be-released AWAKEN by Jaime Guerard
Title: Awaken
Author: Jaime Guerard
Expected release date: March 15, 2013
Genre: Paranormal Romantic Thriller
Age Group: Young Adult; 14 – 20+
Cover Designer: B Design;
Event organized by: AToMR Tours
Book Description:
Three things run through my mind at this very moment…
ONE, my life as I once knew it will never be the same.
TWO, the person I’m in love with might not even exist.
THREE, the deception that has unfolded before me has the power of life and death.
Sixteen year old, Breanna Davis, has heard the saying; life isn’t always what it seems…well, that saying rings true now more than ever. As horrifying visions appear before her, revealing tragedies that will forever change the fate of those she loves, she realizes that she may be the only person who can stop them from becoming reality.
Amongst the chaos of this new discovery, Bre is faced with a stranger, Eve, who moves in on Bre’s friends and begins to follow her every move. As Eve’s true motives begin to surface, Bre must fight against, not only the visions, but the dangers Eve holds close.
There is another secret kept- Collin, a boy held captive in Bre’s dreams, the boy she is secretly falling in love with but isn’t sure he even exists. As she tries to make it work with Austin, an old friend who could possibly be more, Bre battles against her feelings for Collin.
Bre is faced with an almost impossible decision, to choose her life or follow her destiny. If she doesn’t intercede, people will certainly die. If she does, her own life could be at stake. In the end, if she fails, she’ll lose everything.
About the Author
Jaime grew up in a small town in Northern California. Having a passion for dance and music, never would she have thought herself to become an author. In late 2008, a story was born and a writer was developed. Jaime found the pieces of her novel beginning to take form and soon she had a full novel in her hands. Awaken is Jaime's first published novel. With many features still in the works, this debut novel is just a taste of the action-packed romantic thrillers to come from this aspiring new author. Jaime is a committed wife and mother of 3, who loves life and doesn’t take anything for granted.
Blog | Facebook | Twitter
miercuri, 13 februarie 2013
Drowning in You Cover Reveal
Title: Drowning in You
Author: Rebecca Berto
Expected release date: April 12, 2013
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult Cover
Designer: Okay Creations. ; Jacqueline
Barkla Photography (
Reveal organized by: AToMR
Book Description:
Secretly crushing
Crushed by a tragedy
Charlee May’s been crushing on Dexter Hollingworth since she was fifteen. Five years later, a horrific skiing disaster at Mason’s Ski Lift Resort leaves her millionaire dad critically injured and her mom dead at the hands of Dexter operating the lifts. Charlee is suddenly the sole caretaker for her little brother while their world falls apart.
Dexter couldn’t be more different from Charlee. He’s tattooed, avoids exclusive relationships and his Dad has a fair share of illegal dealings. With Dexter’s reputation, almost everyone believes he planned the Mason’s skiing disaster.
And after all these years he’s still crushing on Charlee May, the girl who’s too good for him.
Crushed by a tragedy
Charlee May’s been crushing on Dexter Hollingworth since she was fifteen. Five years later, a horrific skiing disaster at Mason’s Ski Lift Resort leaves her millionaire dad critically injured and her mom dead at the hands of Dexter operating the lifts. Charlee is suddenly the sole caretaker for her little brother while their world falls apart.
Dexter couldn’t be more different from Charlee. He’s tattooed, avoids exclusive relationships and his Dad has a fair share of illegal dealings. With Dexter’s reputation, almost everyone believes he planned the Mason’s skiing disaster.
And after all these years he’s still crushing on Charlee May, the girl who’s too good for him.
When this cruel twist of fate ties Charlee’s family and Dexter’s
reputation together, Charlee and Dexter wonder if their feelings are
reciprocated, while Dexter discovers his dad is trying to steal the May’s
millionaire fortune.
But like an addiction, one look, one touch, one taste—they’re hooked no
matter the consequences.
About the Author
Rebecca Berto writes stories that are a bit sexy, and
straddle the line between Literary and Tear Your Heart Out. She gets a thrill
when her readers are emotional reading her stories, and gets even more of a
kick when they tell her so. She’s strangely imaginative, spends too much time
on her computer, and is certifiably crazy when she works on her fiction.
Rebecca Berto lives in Melbourne, Australia with her
boyfriend and their doggy.
Cover love!
Heeei, ce mai faceti? Eu incerc sa fac tema la mate si ma gandesc ca ar trebui sa nu ma mai apuc de nici o carte pana nu le termin pe cele deja incepute, insa de fiecare data mai citesc cate o pagina din alta :) Asa se face ca sunt fooooarte in urma cu cititul.
M-am gandit sa las o coperta care mie imi place destul de mult. E vorba de copertacartii Ruining Me pe care am descoperit-o de curand si care pare absolut geniala.
Stiu ca aceasta coperta este simpla, insa exact acest lucru imi place la ea.
marți, 12 februarie 2013
The Forgotten (The Lux Guardians, #1)
Good and goodness will prevail.
Honour and Horatia Frie are twins living in a world of wreck and ruin.
Forgotten London is a dismal place of containment, rationing, and a four-family-per-house regulation. Twenty five years ago the world was set ablaze when solar flares obliterated three quarters of the Earth’s population and wiped out whole continents in one blow. The flares brought with them The Sixteen Strains: agonizing and fatal diseases that plague each of the forty one zones of Forgotten London and the rest of the world. The only places that escaped fatal damage were two countries now known as The Cities – States and Bharat. The rest of the world – The Forgotten Lands – is contained within borders for the people’s protection against even deadlier Strains outside the barrier. But fifteen year old Honour thinks differently. He thinks that they’re kept inside the fence for other, more menacing reasons. He thinks that States are planning to kill them.
Branwell and Bennet Ravel are twins living in a world of danger and secrecy.
In Victorian London, years before the solar flares hit, the Ravels’ world has just been turned upside down. Their father, poisoned by something even genius Branwell can’t determine, has passed away. His dying words were unnerving orders to keep each other safe no matter the cost, and to hide everything he has ever invented. When one of his creations goes missing – a device named The Lux that can generate unlimited energy – the twins are shocked to discover that their very own government has stolen it and, according to their father’s journals, are planning to use it to create unfathomable explosions to destroy their world.
The Ravel twins will have to find and reclaim The Lux if they are to stop their world’s planned destruction, but when they’re transported to an unfamiliar, derelict world, the search for the device will become harder than ever. Honour and Horatia, against all odds, will have to find a way to stop States before the remainder of Earth is eradicated and their world is lost for good, or somehow get every single citizen of Forgotten London outside of the fence.
Inainte de ispita de Peter Robinson in curand la Leda
Întrerupându-şi o carieră de succes la Hollywood, unde ani la rând a scris muzică pentru filme de Oscar, Chris Lowndry se întoarce în Yorkshire-ul natal pentru a locui în conacul izolat Kilnsgate şi a-şi găsi liniştea după moartea prematură a soţiei sale. Tot ce vrea acum e să-şi compună sonata pentru pian. Dar curând află de tulburătoarea istorie a conacului şi e sedus de povestea tragică a lui Grace Fox, petrecută în urmă cu şaizeci de ani. Şi cu cât descoperă mai multe despre viaţa acesteia, cu atât devine mai obsedat să aducă la lumină adevărul despre acea misterioasă noapte de ianuarie şi să demonstreze nevinovăţia lui Grace.
O explorare fascinantă şi plină de suspans a culpabilităţii, a limitelor responsabilităţii personale, a sacrificiului de sine şi a mântuirii, culminând cu o uluitoare şi cutremurătoare revelaţie!
E usor sa te iubesc de Tammara Webber in curand la Editura Epica
Tammara Webber
EPICA/New Adult/+17 ani
Contemporary Fiction
Bestseller New York Times
Bestseller Amazon
Clasată pe poziția a doua la categoria Cea mai bună carte Young Adult/New Adult a anului 2012, pe Goodreads!
El o urmăreşte, dar nu face cunoştinţă cu ea până când, odată, într-o întâlnire neaşteptată, el devine salvatorul ei.
Atracţia dintre ei e incontestabilă. Totuşi trecutul, pe care el s-a străduit atât de mult să-l depăşească, şi viitorul, în care ea-şi pune atât de mari speranţe, ameninţă să-i despartă.
Numai împreună ar putea să lupte cu durerea şi vinovăţia, să înfrunte adevărul şi să găsească neașteptata putere a dragostei.
Jackie este o fată frumoasă, este la colegiu, de trei ani are un iubit admirabil şi i se pare că viaţa e uşoară şi viitorul îi zâmbeşte. Fără veste, iubitul o părăseşte pentru că vrea să încerce ceva nou, iar durerea despărţirii o face să nu mai ajungă la cursuri şi să fie la un pas să piardă examenul şi anul. Scapă ca prin urechile acului dintr-o tentativă de viol, părinţii îi spun că se duc la schi atunci când hotărăște să vină şi ea acasă în vacanţă… De unde să înceapă să se refacă?
De n-ar fi prietenii, s-ar prăbuși. Pas cu pas, ei o ajută să meargă mai departe. E ca într-un joc, îi vor spune ei şi o vor învăţa că este destul de puternică pentru a supravieţui.
Tammara Webber scrie o carte despre obsesie, punând-o sub lupă şi cântărindu-i bunele şi relele. Fiecare dintre personajele sale, atât de vii şi de colorate, are nişte demoni personali pe care trebuie să-i învingă, principalii vinovaţi pentru „greşeli” fiind: obişnuinţa care te face orb la realitate, dorinţa de a avea succes cu orice preţ, rivalitatea care calcă totul în picioare, ruşinea care te amuţeşte când ar trebui să strigi, neîncrederea că „de data asta” va fi altfel, va fi bine.
Cum iei cea mai bună decizie? E foarte uşor când iubeşti!
Pentru că, pe lângă tema violului – o fărădelege care lasă traume adânci şi totuşi, de regulă, este simplist expediată, bagatelizată, considerându-se că se poate „rezolva” la mica înţelegere între părţi şi mai ales, atât de adesea, aruncându-se vina asupra… victimei! – ţi se oferă una dintre cele mai frumoase poveşti de dragoste, captivantă prin descrierea scenelor de interacţiune între protagonişti unde, citind, te simţi deopotrivă intrus şi curios, şi fascinantă prin multiplele meandre, prin surprizele care se ţin lanţ, prin arta cu care scriitoarea ştie să te ţină cu sufletul la gură şi cu pumnii strânşi pentru personajele pe care le îndrăgeşti necondiţionat.
EPICA/New Adult/+17 ani
Contemporary Fiction
Bestseller New York Times
Bestseller Amazon
Clasată pe poziția a doua la categoria Cea mai bună carte Young Adult/New Adult a anului 2012, pe Goodreads!
El o urmăreşte, dar nu face cunoştinţă cu ea până când, odată, într-o întâlnire neaşteptată, el devine salvatorul ei.
Atracţia dintre ei e incontestabilă. Totuşi trecutul, pe care el s-a străduit atât de mult să-l depăşească, şi viitorul, în care ea-şi pune atât de mari speranţe, ameninţă să-i despartă.
Numai împreună ar putea să lupte cu durerea şi vinovăţia, să înfrunte adevărul şi să găsească neașteptata putere a dragostei.
Jackie este o fată frumoasă, este la colegiu, de trei ani are un iubit admirabil şi i se pare că viaţa e uşoară şi viitorul îi zâmbeşte. Fără veste, iubitul o părăseşte pentru că vrea să încerce ceva nou, iar durerea despărţirii o face să nu mai ajungă la cursuri şi să fie la un pas să piardă examenul şi anul. Scapă ca prin urechile acului dintr-o tentativă de viol, părinţii îi spun că se duc la schi atunci când hotărăște să vină şi ea acasă în vacanţă… De unde să înceapă să se refacă?
De n-ar fi prietenii, s-ar prăbuși. Pas cu pas, ei o ajută să meargă mai departe. E ca într-un joc, îi vor spune ei şi o vor învăţa că este destul de puternică pentru a supravieţui.
Tammara Webber scrie o carte despre obsesie, punând-o sub lupă şi cântărindu-i bunele şi relele. Fiecare dintre personajele sale, atât de vii şi de colorate, are nişte demoni personali pe care trebuie să-i învingă, principalii vinovaţi pentru „greşeli” fiind: obişnuinţa care te face orb la realitate, dorinţa de a avea succes cu orice preţ, rivalitatea care calcă totul în picioare, ruşinea care te amuţeşte când ar trebui să strigi, neîncrederea că „de data asta” va fi altfel, va fi bine.
Cum iei cea mai bună decizie? E foarte uşor când iubeşti!
Pentru că, pe lângă tema violului – o fărădelege care lasă traume adânci şi totuşi, de regulă, este simplist expediată, bagatelizată, considerându-se că se poate „rezolva” la mica înţelegere între părţi şi mai ales, atât de adesea, aruncându-se vina asupra… victimei! – ţi se oferă una dintre cele mai frumoase poveşti de dragoste, captivantă prin descrierea scenelor de interacţiune între protagonişti unde, citind, te simţi deopotrivă intrus şi curios, şi fascinantă prin multiplele meandre, prin surprizele care se ţin lanţ, prin arta cu care scriitoarea ştie să te ţină cu sufletul la gură şi cu pumnii strânşi pentru personajele pe care le îndrăgeşti necondiţionat.
In the Shadow of Blackbirds
In 1918, the world seems on the verge of apocalypse. Americans roam the streets in gauze masks to ward off the deadly Spanish influenza, and the government ships young men to the front lines of a brutal war, creating an atmosphere of fear and confusion. Sixteen-year-old Mary Shelley Black watches as desperate mourners flock to séances and spirit photographers for comfort, but she herself has never believed in ghosts. During her bleakest moment, however, she’s forced to rethink her entire way of looking at life and death, for her first love—a boy who died in battle—returns in spirit form. But what does he want from her?
Featuring haunting archival early-twentieth-century photographs, this is a tense, romantic story set in a past that is eerily like our own time.
luni, 4 februarie 2013
Day Blitz : Ashes and Ice by Rochelle Maya Callen
She is desperate to remember.
He is aching to forget.
Together, they are not broken.
But together, one may not survive.
Jade wakes up with no memory of her past and blood on her hands.
Plagued by wicked thoughts, she searches for answers. Instead, she finds a boy who doesn't offer her answers, but hope. But sometimes, when nightmares turn into reality and death follows you everywhere, hope is not enough.
LUST. LOVE. LOSS. Sometimes, all that is left are Ashes and Ice.
Here's the Trailer:
Author Bio:
Rochelle grew up dreaming up stories. When she entered high school, she tucked away her creative side and jumped head-first into academics, work, and service projects. She graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Political Science and Communication when she was twenty years old. After years away from her writing, Rochelle picked up a pen and started fleshing out a character sketch that she outlined when she was twelve. That sketch was the start of the Ashes and Ice story. Rochelle lives in the DC metro area with her husband and daughter. By day she works as a behavioral therapist. By night, she is a dreamer and is busy tapping out new stories on her keyboard.
Tears burn. I never realized it before, but they do. Tears reach down my throat
and settle in my gut until the pain cripples me. I clutch my stomach as I look
into the casket. His face doesn’t even look the same. Bloated like a Mardi Gras
float, discolored like a mannequin. This isn’t my father.
But it is.
If I have learned anything in my short life, it is this: funerals are bullshit.
People dress in carefully pressed black suits. Parents give me “meaningful”
nods as if that could ease the grief. It doesn’t.
Then there are the kids from school, the ones dragged along by their parents.
People drag their kids along as if filling the church was a necessary thing. As
if the more pews filled somehow expedite the dead’s trip to heaven. I doubt it
does. Maybe some of the girls went shopping to buy just the right outfit so
their cleavage to respectability ratio was just right, or their ass to
waist ratio was cinched properly.
People sit in the pews dressed in their finest
let’s-go-pay-our-respects-to-the-dead-guy-we-never-knew wear, smacking the gum
in their mouths, cupping cellphones so they can LOL any comment buzzing
in, and drumming their fingers because the pastor is going on too long.
All they want to do is go home, sneak in a make-out session with their
girlfriends, eat their dinners, and maybe catch a 7 o’clock movie.
I hate these kids. The ones who stare at me, roll their eyes, and yawn. The
ones who trip me at school and slam me into lockers. The ones who sit in a pew,
contributing to the headcount, while I sit up here in front, holding back the
tears fighting to make their appearance. I swallow them down. I won’t cry. Not
here. Not with these people.
Dad’s funeral should be an empty church with mom, his three brothers, and me.
It should be the five of us having a messy, sloppy, sobbing affair where we
cling to each other because we are all we have left. The marble floors should
be slick with our tears. It isn’t. We sit here, straight backed, completely
composed as if death is just a passing expiration date and our small,
insignificant world has not been split open and left gaping.
I’m in my room, staring at the ceiling. The funeral service was hours ago.
The house feels empty and cold. I hear a stifled whimper from down the hall.
Probably crying into a pillow so the house can’t hear, but it can. It seems
unfair she can’t wail aloud, so loud the house’s hundred-year-old studs
She doesn’t. I don’t either. We cry in our own rooms, remembering a man who
will never be here again.
The house creaks. Maybe it feels the weight of our grief, maybe the floorboards
are buckling because the burden is too heavy.
I ache, desperate to forget the long battle with cancer, the blood sputtering
out of his mouth with his last words—what where they? I can’t remember because
the fear in his eyes overshadowed anything he said. Now the loss. I don’t want
to feel this loss. Some divine entity has taken dull scissors and cut out a
piece of my life and now I have jagged scars to remind me I lost too much. Too
I want to forget, because it hurts to remember.
I bury my head in the pillow, hoping to suffocate the memories, to choke out
the pain.
Trailer Reveal: The Watcher by Lisa Voisin
Author Lisa Voisin’s THE WATCHER will be releasing exactly one month from today, on March 4th, 2013 and we’re super excited to be able to share with our blog’s readers a short excerpt from the book and to be a part of the book’s awesome trailer reveal!
There is also a giveaway for a pre-order copy of THE WATCHER for US/Canada residents. So be sure to enter below.
THE WATCHER is author Lisa Voisin’s debut novel and is a book Eileen Cook says, “…is sure to keep readers turning the pages late into the night.”
And after having read both the excerpt and the book’s description, we couldn’t agree more! But we’ll let you decide for yourself. They’re both included below. As is the book’s wicked cool trailer!
With some gothic techno beats, super cool images and a description that is meant to tease, this trailer totally sets the mood for this story. What do you think?
About the Book
Author: Lisa Voisin
Publisher: InkSpell Publishing
Publication date: March 4, 2013
Pages: 508
Format: Available to pre-order in Paperback
Find it: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Inkspell | Kobo
Millennia ago, he fell from heaven for her.
Can he face her without falling again?
Fascinated with ancient civilizations, seventeen-year-old Mia Crawford dreams of becoming an archaeologist. She also dreams of wings—soft and silent like snow—and somebody trying to steal them.
When a horrible creature appears out of thin air and attacks her, she knows Michael Fontaine is involved, though he claims to know nothing about it. Secretive and aloof, Michael evokes feelings in Mia that she doesn’t understand. Images of another time and place haunt her. She recognizes them—but not from any textbook.
About the Author
A Canadian-born author, Lisa Voisin spent her childhood daydreaming and making up stories, but it was her love of reading and writing in her teens that drew her to Young Adult fiction.
When she's not writing, you'll find her meditating or hiking in the mountains to counter the side effects of drinking too much coffee.
She lives in Vancouver, B.C. with her fiance and their two cats.
Find her: Twitter | Facebook | Website | Blog
Instead of saying more, he brushed his fingertips along my cheek, and his halo glimmered. I could hear the waves slapping the rocks behind us, the wind driving them in. That same wind whipped against my skin, but the touch of his hand on my face was all I could think about. It sent a current through both of us and filled me with longing for something I wasn’t sure I understood.
“I’m sorry.” He stepped back and shoved his hands into his pockets as the light around him faded. “You don’t know what it’s like. Being near you now, remembering those moments we had…” His hair blew into his eyes, but this time he didn’t move. I wanted to brush it back, but I didn’t know how he’d react. Would touching him be bad?
“You want to know who you were?” he asked. “You may look different, but you’re the same. I look into your eyes and see you.” He took in a deep breath, fixing his attention on the horizon. I’d seen and heard so much now that the logical part of my brain had long since given up arguing with me. I could feel what he was saying was true. All of it.
duminică, 3 februarie 2013
Music Time
Azi e duminica, maine e luni, iar asta inseamna doar un singur lucru, iarasi scoala, posibile teste, ascultari, note, chestii, chestii. Weekend-ul asta nu am facut mai nimic interesant, am citit pentru scoala atat lectura suplimentara, cat si cea obligatorie, am mai citit doua-trei paginici din cartile incepute, am facut teme si m-am apucat de un serial de care vroiam sa ma apuc de mult timp, si anume Beauty and the Beast care este mult prea genial! Ma rog, nu va voi mai plictisi cu banalitatile acestea.
Acum ma apuc sa invat la geugrafie (ihhhh) si biologie.
Voi cum v-ati petrecut weekend-ul?
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