Puloverul albastru
Bum Bum...
Bum Bum...
Bum Bum...
Ai auzit asta?
(Vocea ei insistand pe cuvantul auzi)
Acesta e sunetul bataii inimii mele…
(Bate in microfon din nou)
Bum Bum...
Bum Bum...
Bum Bum...
Ai auzit asta? Acesta e sunetul bataii inimii tale.
(Incepe sa vorbeasca mai repede, mult mai tare decat inainte)
Era prima zi de Octombrie. Purtam puloverul meu albastu, mai stii, cel pe care l-am cumparat de la Dillard’s. Cel tricotat cu tiv dublu si cu gauri la capatul manecilor, ca sa-mi pot strecura
degetele cand era frig, dar nu ma simteam ca si cum as purta manusi? Era acelasi pulover
despre care ai spus ca-mi face ochii sa arate ca reflectia stelelor in ocean.
Ai promis ca ma vei iubi pe veci in acea noapte…
Si baiatule
Ai facut-o
Era prima zi de Decembrie de data aceasta. Purtam puloverul meu albastu, mai stii, cel pe care l-am cumparat de la Dillard’s. Cel tricotat cu tiv dublu si cu gauri la capatul manecilor, ca sa-mi
pot strecura degetele cand era frig, dar nu ma simteam ca si cum as purta manusi? Era acelasi pulover
despre care ai spus ca-mi face ochii sa arate ca reflectia stelelor in ocean.
Ti-am spus ca mi-a intarziat trei saptamani.
Tu ai spus ca a fost soarta.
Ai promis ca ma vei iubi pe veci in acea noapte…
Si baiatule
Ai facut-o
Era prima zi de Mai. Purtam puloverul meu albastu, desi de aceasta data tivul dublu tricotat era uzat si puterea fiecarui fir era testata cum stateau stranse pe
burta mea in crestere. Stii care. Acelasi pe care l-am cumparat de la Dillard’s? . Cel cu gauri la capatul manecilor,
ca sa-mi pot strecura degetele cand era frig, dar nu ma simteam ca si cum as purta manusi? Era acelasi pulover despre care ai spus ca-mi face ochii sa arate ca reflectia
stelelor in
ACELASI pullover pe care l-ai SMULS de pe corpul meu cand m-ai impins pe podea,
Numindu-ma o curva,
Ca nu ma mai iubesti.
Bum Bum...
Bum Bum...
Bum Bum...
Ai auzit asta? Acesta e sunetul bataii inimii mele…
Bum Bum...
Bum Bum...
Bum Bum...
Ai auzit asta? Acesta e sunetul bataii inimii tale.
(Are loc o lunga tacere in care ea isi lipeste mainile de stomac, lacrimi curgandu-I pe fata.)
Auzi asta? Bineinteles ca nu. Asta-i linistea pantecului meu.
Pentru ca tu
From Colleen Hoover (Slammed)
Blue Sweater
Bom Bom...
Bom Bom...
Bom Bom...
Do you hear that?
(Her voice lingering on the word hear)
That's the sound of my heart beating…
Bom Bom...
Bom Bom...
Bom Bom...
Do you hear that? That's the sound of your heart beating.
(She begins to speak faster, much louder than before.)
It was the first day of October. I was wearing my blue sweater, you know the one I bought at
Dillard’s? The one with a double knitted hem and holes in the ends of the sleeves that I could poke
my thumbs through when it was cold but I didn't feel like wearing gloves? It was the same sweater
you said made my eyes look like reflections of the stars on the ocean.
You promised to love me forever that night...
and boy
did you
It was the first day of December this time. I was wearing my blue sweater, you know the one I
bought at Dillard’s? The one with a double knitted hem and holes in the ends of the sleeves that I
could poke my thumbs through when it was cold but I didn't feel like wearing gloves? It was the
same sweater you said made my eyes look like reflections of the stars on the ocean.
I told you I was three weeks late.
You said it was fate.
You promised to love me forever that night…
and boy
did you
It was the first day of May. I was wearing my blue sweater, although this time the double
stitched hem was worn and the strength of each thread tested as they were pulled tight against my
growing belly. You know the one. The same one I bought at Dillard’s? The one with holes in the
ends of the sleeves that I could poke my thumbs through when it was cold but I didn't feel like
wearing gloves? It was the same sweater you said made my eyes look like reflections of the stars on
the ocean.
The SAME sweater you RIPPED off of my body as you shoved me to the floor,
calling me a whore,
telling me
you didn't love me
Bom Bom...
Bom Bom...
Bom Bom...
Do you hear that? That's the sound of my heart beating.
Bom Bom...
Bom Bom...
Bom Bom...
Do you hear that? That's the sound of your heart beating.
(There is a long silence as she clasps her hands to her stomach, tears streaming down her face)
Do you hear that? Of course you don't. That's the silence of my womb.
Because you
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